(RAGGING: A PUNISHABLE OFFENCE THE HIMACHAL PRADESH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (PROHIBITION OF RAGGING) ACT, 2009 PROHIBITION OF RAGGING) ACT, 2009 defines “ragging” means any act, conduct or practice by which dominant power of senior students, former students or outsiders, is brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or students who are in any way considered junior by other students and includes individual or collective acts or practices which- Involve physical or psychological assault or threat or use of force or wrongful confinement or restraint; or Violate the status, dignity and honour of such students; or Expose students to ridicule and contempt and affect their self-esteem; or Entail verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and obscene behaviour. A student who commits the offence of ragging shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or shall also be liable to a fine which may extend to Rs. 50,000 or both. If a student is convicted of the charges of committing, abetting, participating or propagating ragging, he shall be dismissed from the college and such student will not get admission in other college for a period of three years from the date of his dismissal from the college.